Saturday, April 05, 2008

John Huling 3 New CD's Completed

After nearly 3 years the 3 new John Huling CD's that were supposed to be ready in 2007 are available now! The 3 titles are Southwest Passages , Sleeping Desert and Canyon Light.
All 3 CD's are in the Spirit of the "Musical Visions of the Southwest" Series started 17 years ago.
Be sure to check out the official John Huling Website at

Friday, April 04, 2008

Lost Canyons...John Huling 1994

Lost Canyons is from the 1994 release Spiritlands. It is a song I did years ago. Some, it appears for whatever reason feel that using titles or derivations of my titles such as Lost Canyons, Ancient Canyons, or...under... Desert Skies is clever.
In the old days, integrity amongst "a small family" of artists there used to exist an unwritten rule of respect.
In the spirit and tradition of Native American flute (NAF) music it is even more important.
Most people do know the difference and can spot the "attempt" by less imaginative types to ride on the coat tails of others creativity and success of others.
For nearly 25 years now I have created my own original music and my own original titles. Music that really is "from the heart".
Lost Canyons was about the people who lived in a place that is now covered by the water from Lake Powell. You can hear and read more at